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Working with collections

Retrieve a list of collections

To retrieve a list of collections in a database, connect to the database and call GetCollectionsAsync().

using (var transport = HttpApiTransport.UsingBasicAuth(new Uri(url), dbName, username, password))
using (var db = new ArangoDBClient(transport))
// Retrieve a list of collections
var response = await db.Collection.GetCollectionsAsync();

Create a collection

To create a new collection, connect to the database and call PostCollectionAsync().

using (var transport = HttpApiTransport.UsingBasicAuth(new Uri(url), dbName, username, password))
using (var db = new ArangoDBClient(transport))
// Set collection properties
var body = new CollectionApi.Models.PostCollectionBody()
Type = CollectionApi.Models.CollectionType.Document,
Name = "MyCollection"
// Create the new collection
var response = await db.Collection.PostCollectionAsync(body, null);

Delete a collection

To delete a collection, connect to the database and call DeleteCollectionAsync(), passing the name of the collection to be deleted as a parameter. Make sure to specify the correct collection name when you delete collections.

using (var transport = HttpApiTransport.UsingBasicAuth(new Uri(url), dbName, username, password))
using (var db = new ArangoDBClient(transport))
// Delete the collection
var response = await db.Collection.DeleteCollectionAsync("MyCollection");
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